“Art transcends limits in a world full of divisions, breaking down social barriers. Visual communication becomes a more effective form of communication than words from an over-informed world. Art is an oasis of beauty, appreciation and expression of one’s own concerns for the soul of each spectator”.

Judith Ferlini was born in Costa Rica in 1992, she grew up feeling the need to express her own being in a culture where rationalization and the pressure of commercial structure that is accelerated leaves no room for change in creative and intuitive thought. As a girl, she became interested in many aspects of visual art and discovered the vast possibilities in painting. She entered the National University of Costa Rica and studied Art and Visual Communication, later she got a Master’s Degree in Landscaping and Site Design at the University of Costa Rica. She has been employed teaching art classes in academies and private educational centers in Costa Rica and as a designer in multi-criteria projects. She moved to Corvallis, Oregon and dedicated herself completely to the creation of art in her own studio. She concentrates on high contrast and color using natural motifs and symbolism for a catharsis of realization in which the viewer can be reflected in a window towards his own being. She currently resides in Corvallis, and she travels to Costa Rica to refresh herself with tropical nature and visit her family. She is working to exhibit her art in galleries and cultural spaces in both countries.


“Turn any space into something really captivating and entertaining, include emotion and personality in your life with unique pieces of art.”

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